Monday, November 29, 2010

My latest find

is this website
I am merely making a note to myself =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happiness lies in

Life sucks no doubt about it. But someone never asked me so whats my definition of happiness. I have not thought of that yet but it occured to me in an afternoon in the bus. I was staring at a little girl sitting on her mothers lap and literally gazing another lady. The curiousity in her eyes was very astonishing. I realized a tiny bit of happiness in this event.

- Khalid

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Learning,Experience and Intelligence.

There are a few things that needs some thought. Learning,experience and intelligence, for example can be confusing. When a kid grows up, s/he lacks everything. s/he learns and experiences as s/he grows up. An old man may have a lot of experience, does that mean he is more learned or intelligent ? Answer is No. The old man in this case lacks learning. Things to remember, experience is automatic , learning is a choice; and intelligence is the effective use of these two

Thursday, August 12, 2010

White Lillies

White Lillies
Originally uploaded by кнαℓι∂ нσѕѕαιη

Looks cool innit ?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This day is never the way it was. Ramadan used to bring joy and togetherness. Now it brings confusion and unwillingness.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


What Do You Do ? I did all the necessary stuff. I mean from wasting time, to watching a 3rd grade action film, having late night snack, surfing the internet, tweeting. Now I'm short of options. I can sleep in the days to get past those quick, what do i do to get past these nights. Interesting times.

Friday, August 6, 2010


I think birthdays also serve a diffrent purpose. Its like a milestone,
that this age has been passed. You can not help but wonder what things
you exactly did last year on this same date. And its not necessarily
have to be your birthday. It could be anyone else's. The flashbacks
are clearer than just memories.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unknown Poem

নদীর এপারেতে দারিযে
ছারি দীর্ঘ শ্বাস
ও পারেতে য্ত সুখ
আমার বিশ্বাস ।

[I] sigh standing this side of the bank

In this belief that all the happiness
lies on the other side

Sunday, July 25, 2010

ধূসর সময়

নোনা স্বপ্নে গড়া তোমার স্মৃতি
শত রঙে রাঙিয়ে মিথ্যে কোনো স্পন্দন
আলোর নিচে যে আঁধার খেলা করে
সে আঁধারে শরীর মেশালে

আজ আমি ধূসর কি রঙিন সময়ে
পথ হারাই তোমাতে

জীবনের কাঁটা তারে তুমি অন্তহীনের অপূর্ণতায়
বেওয়ারিশ ঘুড়ি উড়ে যাও অনাবিল আকাশের শূণ্যতায়

তবু আমি…

কি খুঁজি মানুষের বিষাদের চোখে
কোথায় আলোর উৎসবে স্বপ্নের প্রতিবিম্ব ভাঙে
একা একা আমি থাকি দাঁড়ায়ে
স্মৃতির ঝড়ো বাতাসে
দুজনার শরীর মেশায

আজ আমি ধূসর কি রঙিন সময়ে
পথ হারাই তোমাতে

জীবনের কাঁটা তারে তুমি অন্তহীনের অপূর্ণতায়
বেওয়ারিশ ঘুড়ি উড়ে যাও অনাবিল আকাশের শূণ্যতায়

তবু আমি…

Dhushor Shomoy

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Unforgettable Lady

By Jessica Bird. I thought it was a chick flick as I began reading,
while reading, and even when I was done with it. The thing that is
going to stuck with me about this book however, is the usual dilemma
to intimacy that is faced by the most conscious people.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

live longer

I just found out the secret of living longer. Kill your sleep. That's
right. You'd be surprised how long your days would feel like if you
don't sleep a day. Yesterday would feel like past month. Another way
to live longer would be sleeping too much. You'll lose the sense of
time. It's very interesting how the two extremes of sleep can put you
in a trance like state where time would seem like going in sloth or

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

অনিকেত প্রান্তর

তবু এই দেয়ালের শরীরে
যতো ছেড়া রং, ধুয়ে যাওয়া মানুষ
পেশাদার প্রতিহিংসা তোমার চেতনার
যতো উদ্ভাসিত আলো রং
আকাশের মতন অকস্মাত নীল
নীলে ডুবে থাকা তোমার প্রিয় কোন মুখ
তার চোখের কাছাকাছি এসে কেন পথ ভেঙ্গে

দুটো মানচিত্র এঁকে দুটো দেশের মাঝে
বিঁধে আছে অনুভুতিগুলোর ব্যবচ্ছেদ

তবু এইখানে আছে অবলীল হাওয়া
জানালা বদ্ধ ঘরে আসে যায়
দেয়াল ধরে বেড়ে ওঠে মধ্যরাত
তোমার ছায়ায় জমে এসে ভয়
আলোকে চিনে নেয় আমার অবাধ্য সাহস
ভেতরে এখন কি নেই কাপুরুষ অন্ধকার একা

তোমাকে ঘিরে পথগুলো সব সরে যায়
রাত্রির এই একা ঘর ঝুলে আছে শূন্যের কাঁটাতারে

দুটো মানচিত্র এঁকে দুটো দেশের মাঝে
মিশে আছে অনুভুতিগুলোর ব্যবচ্ছেদ

তবু এই দুটি কাঁটাতারে, শহরের মতো করে
ভিড়ে ভরে গেছে ঘুম আমার
অচেতন কখন বেওয়ারিশ, মাটির কাছে এসে
সময়কে এপিটাফ ভেবে হাঁটু গেড়ে বসে

তবু এখানে বাতাস আসে দূরত্বের উৎসাহে
শরৎ জমে আছে ঠান্ডা ঘাসে
তোমার চোখের মাঝে দূরের একা পথ
এখানে ভাঙ্গে না দুটো দেশে

মেঘের দূরপথ ভেঙ্গে বুকের গভীর অন্ধকারে
আলোর নির্বাসন স্মৃতির মতো
অবিকল স্বপ্নঘর বাঁধা স্মৃতির অন্ধ নির্জনে
সময় থেমে থাকে অনাগত
যুদ্ধের বিপরীতে

এখানে স্বরনীর লেখা নেই নাম, কোন শহীদ সড়কে
তোমার জন্য জমা থাকে শুধু স্বপ্নঘর
জানালায় ঝুলে থাকে না, শূন্যতার অবচেতন
তোমার ঘরের অন্ধ আলোয় অদেখা

এখানে নির্জন
অনিকেত প্রান্তর

তবু তোমার ভাঙ্গা স্মৃতি, ছেঁড়া স্বপ্ন, দোমড়ানো খেলাঘর
ছেঁড়া আকাশ ভাঙ্গা কাঁচে
আলো আর অন্ধকার তোমার
তোমার দেয়ালে কত লেখা, মানুষের দেয়ালে দেয়াল
বেড়ে ওঠে কাঁটাতার, এখানে মহান মানচিত্রের ভাগাড়

তোমার শূন্য ঘরে ভরা স্মৃতি
জড়ো পাথরে লেখা নাম
শহীদ স্বরনী, জানালার বাইরে
ভেসে গেছে দূরের আকাশ
বিঁধে আছি সময়ের কাঁটাতারে
বিঁধে আছো ছেঁড়া আকাশের মতো তুমি

তোমার স্বপ্নের, দলাপাকানো
বাসি কবিতা, নষ্ট গানে
তোমার জানালার বাইরে শূন্য আকাশ
তবু অনিকেত এই প্রান্তরে

এখানে এখনো শরতের প্রচুর বাতাসে
সবুজের ঘ্রানে
ভরে আছে অন্ধকারে ঘর তোমার
দেয়ালে এখন শুধু মৃত্যুর মৃত রেখাপাত

তোমাকে কড়া নাড়ে স্মৃতিরা ভাঙ্গা স্বপ্ন
ঘুমের মতো নেশাময় কত

কত শিশু কত
আলোর মশাল নিভে গেছে
নিভে গেছে কত অচেনা ভয়
তোমাকে এখন অপরিণত এক অচেনা স্মৃতি মনে হয়
তোমার জানালার বাইরে শূন্যে
দূরের স্বপ্নঘর, ঝুলে আছি নির্জনতায়
মৃত্যু কি অনিকেত প্রান্তর ?

-Oniket prantor

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Belated 4th of July celebration at newington

It did rain and we all got wet.

Easier said than done!

The implementation of the 'cloud mode' isnt all that easy. I failed
today. I blame all of that to those flies in my room who were all day
bothering me. I don't understand how they came into my room, why they
came to my room, and from where they came from but they annoyed the
hell out of me all day today. In the morning I killed like 5 and then
there were like 5 that I let go out of the window. In the afternoon i
got 2,3 more in my room. Trying to make sense out of this still.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Cloud mode

Cloud mode is nothing extraordinary. It's my trivial attempt to term
and desribe a state of mind. In cloud mode, the key thing is you dont
react. You become the inert chemical that simply doesn't get bothered.
In cloud mode you don't kill your desires. Instead you postpone and I
guess you can say 'you wait until the right moment arrives' but you
never know the right time. Thats just a way to decieve your mind, but
in reality right moment doesn't exist. The idea is to become heavy
enough so that you can shower down all your desires without any effort
or without caring about monsoon. Eating habits should be
normal.However, you may not enjoy eating. Sleep should be more than
usual and you should not have any trouble sleeping. Human interaction
should be minimal because it makes you feel good. The moment it makes
you feel good, you try to take control of yourself, and start
conflicting with the wind that is steering you. You should get better
in doing everyday work. You should start caring about little things
more than the big troubles. The cloud mode is just about this much,
nothing more than what is stated.

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Water bottle

Water bottle

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thought for the day !

You'd be surprised to know the things you can live without.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prarthonad !

Prarthona (pray) + Artonad (Outcry) = Prarthonad

It's such an intense term.

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Cell phones I tell you.

After a freakish adolescent and a weird teenage without a cell phone,
the day finally has arrived. Yes, you would call a boy 'freak' and
'weird' if he doesn't own a cell phone in this 21st century wouldn't
you. No I actually had one, actually a smart one but without a
connection which made the matter even more messed up. Actually I'm
perfectly alright. I have a huge huge interest in gadgets and handheld
devices. It's just that I don't/can't spend money on something I don't
need because I don't have the money to pay for. Cell phones, I tell
you, has become a prime factor that determines how cool/uncool you're
these days.
Hey I am NOT complaining like your grandmom. Just reiterating the fact.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010


She started the class saying 'I had a student who hated poetry and yet
after the semester was over, now she loves poetry more than anyone
else.' Never thought this class would be interesting at all by any
means. For years it was my belief that I am so not one of the creative
creatures on earth, and yet I always loved the play of words and the
vagueness that poetry most frequently brings. John Keats and Mathew
Arnold will be on my head for sometime now. Intrestingly, every course
that ends, it gives me a huge satisfaction. I feel like knowing so
much more than ever before. Probably this is the actual meaning of
education and not the degree.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010


It all starts from a seed. The seed which mother earth nourishes in her womb. After a few days, a thin stem peeks through the top of the seed. It grows on while its roots spread out like a crack on a wall. The race of life begins from there on. The stem aims for height and the roots seek for depth. Its period of infancy is highly dependant on nature and soil, which protects it from potential menace. The stem digs out itself from the soil for the first time and is greeted by the sunlight which it adores. The seed transforms into a tree. With the help of sunlight and air it quickly learns to make its own living. Mother earth, however, is still vital for the base and nourishment. It continues to grow high with the goal of touching the sky beating everyone of its kind, leaving everyone behind. Its not success that it wants to put under its belt but something similar. It’s the need to get the most of sunlight in a world of competition. This is a tree in a tropical rainforest.
Human development is a very similar phenomenon. We compare humans with animals a lot, especially apes but our growth is also aligned with plants. Interesting to note though, the growth of plants is under the safe hands of nature. Our growth or development, although happening very naturally but under severe human influence. Nature is divine, hardly ever makes a mistake. Humans, on the other hand, are the prime example of the word mistake. As Malcolm Forbes had said, “"Making mistakes is human ...repeating 'em is too."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Memories, are you talking to me?

Memories are swarming in an overly saturated mind. Still adorning this false notion with various colors, both dark and bright. I face you in the darkness that plays under light.

I lie there alone with my tasteless, slightly moist eyes closed. A bit bothered, I notice the reflection of light, poking through the holes my blanket. I make an attempt to move by my side, shoving my face under the pillow in an utter submissive way to let them come and surround me. The stage is set, all the preparations are done but there is no anticipation. I know already what it's about to bring. I have done this for quite a bit of time now.

Amidst these interesting times, I make the most important decisions of my life. I think about life and beyond. I realize the corrosion that's taken place and try to think of ways to overcome it. I learn to read peoples mind from recalling previous conversations. I seek affection from the environment I created, from memories and from the solutions if any to come. But memories, like always, refuses to show any signs of comfort. It's that high time I discovered, life isn't unfair, it's just unfortunate.

What happened in Haiti is unfortunate. Technology has gone so far away and yet we can't predict earthquakes still? Yes, we have seismographs, Richter scales, meteorologists, and scientists but I haven't heard of any major earthquake evacuation, ever. The idea of predicting the movement in tectonic plates doesn't seem harder than rocket science to me. I'm sure mankind has done enough progress in that field also. Then it's a question of whether these technologies are available in earthquake prone places. Much of those probable places happen to be under developed and unfortunately they probably can't afford those expensive equipments and technology. I might be way off with all my assumptions and I beg your pardon if I am. As far as I understand, earthquakes should be monitored just the same way ADT monitors your house in every corner of the world.

God bless to the people who made through the calamity and God bless their soul who couldn't make it in Haiti.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Life after death?

I have never been a big reader. I read this book recently named "the lovely bones", a New York bestseller. I don't want to talk about the book here. Recently a movie was made based on the book which I watched before even finishing the book. I would be honest with you while I say this and perhaps most people will agree with me on this, not often we witness that a film which is depicted from a novel doing total justice to it. The renditions of the movie always falls short for many obvious reasons. In our minds imagination takes over the things that aren't so obvious or described in detailed. Book allows our imaginations to thrive in a lot more ways. Secondly, there's the time factor that movies need to maintain. This movie, however, struck me. It not only did justice to the book, even surpassed it in my opinion.

I don't want to offend anyone saying the book was plain darn boring. But I wasn't too into it when I began reading. For a seldom reader like I am, I need the X factor in everything to keep me interested.

Ever wondered how heaven is like? I never think too deep into afterlife after hardly managing to get over thinking about my much troubled current life. Ever wished to see the heaven before you realize your fate swaying between heaven and hell? Wouldn't it be so great to have an orientation of heaven like we have for college? For those who don't know, Muslims, and apparently Christian and Jews along, believe that there is more than one heaven. According to these beliefs, your destination is determined through merit and good deeds. Hey, isn't that what with college too? Your GPA and merits decide which college you are capable of getting into. Now come to think of it, how about we could apply for a certain heaven right after we die and God can take the decision reviewing our application. Pretty sweet huh? I would get back this letter saying, "Thank you for applying to … with great regret we (God and angels) inform you that you didn't meet the minimum requirement for us to consider your place in our heaven… "

Heaven is an elite school folks.

I went way tangent up there. In fact, I even went tangent about the main issue the movie was trying to address in adjacent with afterlife. I don't want to give away too much to the readers here but that movie was an experience of afterlife for me. Heaven is a place where you are never really happy unlike many of us like to think. It's not a place where you are sad either. You get everything you desire, which you get so accustomed to that you don't desire anymore. Desire becomes an inevitable command which yields no satisfaction. You got it even before you wished for it. To make things even worse, a person ( or soul ) can desire for everything, everything in the world, heavens outer space; anything except the thing that matters to any living creations most and that is simply life (unless you believe in reincarnation that is). Life, which our creator bestowed upon us based on the promise that HE will take it back someday, is the most precious gift lent to all creations including mankind. We borrow things or things are lent to us for a purpose.

That makes me conclude life is meant for us to make use of.

It's a starling film with a pinch of illusory of the mystic world known to us as heavens.    

Sunday, January 10, 2010

San Andreas GTA misunderstanding

So, I am starting off with a lighter note. I hope everyone is familiar with what's going on in the news with pro golfer Tiger Woods. Well here is a interesting post that I found in the web that literally made me go "lmao".