Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Memories, are you talking to me?

Memories are swarming in an overly saturated mind. Still adorning this false notion with various colors, both dark and bright. I face you in the darkness that plays under light.

I lie there alone with my tasteless, slightly moist eyes closed. A bit bothered, I notice the reflection of light, poking through the holes my blanket. I make an attempt to move by my side, shoving my face under the pillow in an utter submissive way to let them come and surround me. The stage is set, all the preparations are done but there is no anticipation. I know already what it's about to bring. I have done this for quite a bit of time now.

Amidst these interesting times, I make the most important decisions of my life. I think about life and beyond. I realize the corrosion that's taken place and try to think of ways to overcome it. I learn to read peoples mind from recalling previous conversations. I seek affection from the environment I created, from memories and from the solutions if any to come. But memories, like always, refuses to show any signs of comfort. It's that high time I discovered, life isn't unfair, it's just unfortunate.

What happened in Haiti is unfortunate. Technology has gone so far away and yet we can't predict earthquakes still? Yes, we have seismographs, Richter scales, meteorologists, and scientists but I haven't heard of any major earthquake evacuation, ever. The idea of predicting the movement in tectonic plates doesn't seem harder than rocket science to me. I'm sure mankind has done enough progress in that field also. Then it's a question of whether these technologies are available in earthquake prone places. Much of those probable places happen to be under developed and unfortunately they probably can't afford those expensive equipments and technology. I might be way off with all my assumptions and I beg your pardon if I am. As far as I understand, earthquakes should be monitored just the same way ADT monitors your house in every corner of the world.

God bless to the people who made through the calamity and God bless their soul who couldn't make it in Haiti.

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